skydev game review #1 Costume Quest (2010) Costume Quest is a good game. I played it very recently, after remembering its existence through experiences had growing up. It is a very lighthearted, fun, and cutesy game. Nothing crazy or huge (in fact, it only has 3 main areas to explore) about it-- just a fairly standard turn-based RPG. I will be honest, I probably would have gotten bored with it had I not been watching something in the background. It doesn't have the most enthralling of plots or gameplay! But for what it is, as a Halloween game for young kids, it was alright. I can see why I liked it as a child. The whole thing about battles being visualized as giant versions of your costumes was pretty cool, and speaking of which, the costumes are a huge part of this game (being a Halloween game, duh). One of the most fun parts of the game is exploring the world. Even though there are only 3 main areas, they made sure they were big and had lots to look at. Exploration is not only fun but integral to the game, since scattered about you will find chests and the like which contain pieces for costumes that you put together. They each have their own special abilities both in and outside of battle (most of them, anyway) which are fun to switch between and strategize with. Their battle designs are super cool by the way. The characters are charming and the dialogue is witty. Really, just what I like in a game like this. It knows what it is and sticks to it, it made it very fun to talk to each and every NPC. The world feels as alive as it needs to feel. The battle system... was... interesting? Every attack is a quick time event-- even when enemies attack you, that is how you minimize damage. It makes it more engaging, I'll give it that. No fight was particularly difficult (I think I lost a total of 3 battles, namely to the most difficult battle in the entire game which is at the end). There's a cool system the game uses called "Battle Stamps" which let you use certain abilities within battles. Things like healing each turn, dealing more damage, stunning enemies, or reviving after being downed to name a few. The battle system isn't really any more complex outside of that. There isn't anything like an inventory to access items and such, really everything is on the shoulders of the costumes you choose (by the way, you can't switch costumes during battle; whatever you go in with is what you go in with). It's just about attacking and using your Battle Stamp / costume's abilities. Still satisfying enough! Oh yeah, the game has DLC that adds entire new areas. It's a direct continuation of where the main game leaves off, and is pretty fun, albeit short. The game itself is around 6 hours, and that's getting 100% completion without a walkthrough or guide. I kinda messed around a bit exploring, talking, and destroying everything in the world (it gives you candy, which is essentially currency to buy more Battle Stamps), so if you were to just go in without dilly dallying, it's probably more like 5 hours. Short and sweet experience. I would recommend it if you like mindlessly playing turn-based RPG games. Grinding every battle and gaining gratification from that. For me it's very rewarding to do that kind of thing, which is why I like RPG games like that. Not to say the game is very grindy-- actually, basically every battle has it's purpose. It's moreso the repetetive nature of it all. Relaxing to have something on in the background and chip away. 7:22 AM 1/24/2023